Photo by Lee Hoffman on Flickr

The Story Behind the Story: Interviewing Ani DiFranco for Shondaland

Sandra Ebejer


“The Story Behind the Story” is a behind-the-scenes series on the essays and articles I’ve published in various outlets. By sharing information on pitches, rejections, and lessons learned (all the information I wish I’d had when I was starting out), I hope to help other writers who are trying to establish a successful writing career.

I love my freelance writing job. It’s exhausting and stressful and the pay is terrible, but man, are there some perks. Like that time I got to interview my idol of many decades for a story in a national publication and then her team promoted the piece all over social media? Yeah, that was pretty incredible.

Let me back up a bit: For 25 years, I’ve been a massive fan of singer/songwriter Ani DiFranco. I’ve seen her in concert dozens of times times. Her posters adorn the walls of my home office. I own every recording she’s released and could easily talk your ear off about her life, her music, and her activism.

But, never, ever did I expect to spend 40 minutes on the phone with her.

The Idea

Because I’m a fanatic, I know that November 2020 is the 30th anniversary of her eponymous debut. I also know she has a new Patreon account and recently launched a digital radio station.



Sandra Ebejer

Entertainment & lifestyle journalist. Pub in The Cut, Shondaland, Next Avenue, and more / / Twitter: @sebejer