“Not only are their books filled with typos and grammatical errors, their descriptions, and yes … even titles have errors. Yes, you read that correctly … so far I have seen one MAJOR typo and several grammar errors in book titles.”
I’m shocked at the number of books I’ve read that have typos. Magazines, too. Oh, and newspapers are a hot mess these days. I think we’re all in such a rush to get our work out there that we’re not taking the time to step back and review before hitting publish, and it shows.
Anytime I see a glaring error it takes me right out of what it is I’m reading. I have to go back and re-read the section, thinking, “did they really misspell that (or use the wrong punctuation or insert an extra word or or or…)?” And if that happens, I’m out. I lose interest.
So, I agree with you. Grammar is enormously important. And even if it’s “just” Medium, getting into the habit of using correct grammar can only help down the line when it’s time to write for other platforms.
Thanks for your comments!