How’ve You Been, Medium?

A year-end reflection.

Sandra Ebejer
4 min readDec 12, 2022
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Oh, Medium. I haven’t been good to you. I’m sorry. As I look back on 2022, I realize that one thing has been missing: You.

We started out really strong. That first 6 months or so, from when we met in June 2018 through the beginning of 2019, was hot. We were together a LOT. In fact, I raved about you. I was dedicated. I was a Medium Writer and proud of it. I wanted you and only you.

You accepted me for me. You didn’t care that I only wanted to talk about myself. Or that I sometimes went on opinionated rants. You let me say what I wanted to say and you loved me for it.

But still, I got distracted.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The Boston Globe offered me a spot in its pages. Brevity’s Nonfiction Blog was like, “Psst. C’mere and let me see one of your essays.” Though you and I were still a thing, I wasn’t faithful.

We stayed together…for a while. Yes, I spent some time with AARP and FLOOD and Motherfigure, but most of my time was with you. You didn’t even mind when I made snide comments about you to others. You had my back, and I had yours.



Sandra Ebejer

Entertainment & lifestyle journalist. Pub in The Cut, Shondaland, Next Avenue, and more / / Twitter: @sebejer